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- Scalos - History
- ================
- NOTE: Check scalos.library for the current version and revision.
- --- Scalos 1.0 (V39.152) PreRelease 1 ---
- - Scalos V39.153 - fixed crash on quit
- - fixed crash on WB doublestart
- - Scalos V39.154 - fixed a not removed lasso if you press lamiga+lalt while
- doing a lasso with mouse
- - Scalos V39.155 - added joining of bobs for the custom bobroutine
- - Scalos V39.156 - added DefIcons plugin port
- - Scalos V39.157 - fixed poolwatch hit
- - Scalos V39.158 - fixed Link support for WBMessage
- - added showing links as bold or italic in textmode
- - Scalos V39.159 - fixed asynclayout problems in unregistered version
- - Scalos V39.160 - fixed TextMode refresh and "Show All Files" problem
- - Scalos V39.161 - added AmigaDos args (enable WB Args and use "%p")
- - Scalos V39.162 - added progress-display for copy
- - Scalos V39.163 - fixed missing default-tooltype "CLI"
- - Scalos V39.164 - added new tooltype: "SCALOS_NOTEXT" and "SCALOS_NODRAG"
- - Scalos V39.165 - added fullbench option
- - Scalos V39.166 - added window-popup title-only
- - Scalos V39.167 - added popupmenu titles
- - Scalos V39.168 - fixed strange icon-refresh bug if Executive is running
- - Scalos V39.169 - fixed crash after dragging one icon into another on main-
- window
- - Scalos V39.170 - fixed filenotify in textmode
- - Scalos V39.171 - fixed sometimes apeared dead-file in textmode
- - Scalos V39.172 - fixed fullbench
- - Scalos V39.173 - fixed AmigaDos args in Popupmenus
- - Scalos V39.174 - fixed AmigaDos args now have '"'
- - Scalos V39.175 - fixed crash if popupmenu library isn't available
- - Scalos V39.176 - added saving of DefIcons
- - Scalos V39.177 - added DefDisks first
- - Scalos V39.178 - fixed NONAME and NODRAG tags for disk and backdrop icons
- - Scalos V39.179 - added now setting all defdisk to type Diskicon
- - Scalos V39.180 - added support for information.module
- - Scalos V39.181 - added clone (copy) command
- - Scalos V39.182 - fixed Leave Out/Put Away problems (hopefully)
- - Scalos V39.183 - added sorting of non-positioned icons
- - Scalos V39.184 - fixed information.module now works correct
- - Scalos V39.185 - fixed clone (copy) command problems
- --- Scalos 1.0 (V39.185) ---
- - Scalos V39.186 - fixed deactivated "update" while dir reading
- - Scalos V39.187 - fixed ghosted menu items after select all or lasso
- - Scalos V39.188 - added hidden flag support
- - Scalos V39.189 - added maclike multiselection
- - Scalos V39.190 - fixed selection of text mode. Now you must click on the
- filename. This makes multiselect with lasso possible
- - Scalos V39.191 - added drag start
- - Scalos V39.192 - fixed Worbenchwindow mode if Scalos doesn't run in Emumode
- - Scalos V39.193 - added: Scalos will now inherit the view mode after a
- doubleclick on a default icon.
- - Scalos V39.194 - fixed copying of files larger than ram-size
- - Scalos V39.195 - fixed PC2AMIGA disk icon
- - Scalos V39.196 - fixed lock if using textmode with some filesystems
- - Scalos V39.197 - fixed hidden flag support
- - Scalos V39.198 - fixed friend bitmap problem
- - Scalos V39.199 - fixed lockings with some CD filesystems
- - Scalos V39.200 - fixed move didn't work with icons only
- - Scalos V39.201 - fixed modules will be started with more stack now
- --- Scalos 1.1 (V39.201) ---
- - Scalos V39.202 - added multi-assign search for default tools
- - Scalos V39.203 - fixed fullbench title reappear
- - Scalos V39.204 - added showtitle if mouse over title bar
- - Scalos V39.205 - fixed desktop window pattern scaling
- - Scalos V39.206 - fixed copy command in text mode windows
- - Scalos V39.207 - added show all files in text mode (shows icons)
- - Scalos V39.208 - fixed reread of a file with no icon
- - Scalos V39.209 - added del-key delete
- - Scalos V39.210 - fixed ghosted icon menu after select contents
- - Scalos V39.211 - fixed mem-eating after mouseklicks
- - Scalos V39.212 - fixed del key support
- --- Scalos 1.2 (V39.212) ---
- - Scalos V39.213 - fixed AmigaDOS start missing stack size
- - Scalos V39.214 - fixed deadly with pop screen title
- - Scalos V39.215 - fixed mem loss after dragging
- - Scalos V39.216 - fixed small disk size rendering error
- - Scalos V39.217 - replaced all divu.l and mulu.l with replacement function
- - Scalos V39.218 - removed key-file system. Now freeware
- ******************************************************************************
- - Scalos Menu V39.13 - fixed stringmissmatch in commandlist
- - Scalos Menu V39.14 - fixed all drag&drop problems
- ******************************************************************************
- - LoadWB.Scalos V1.1 - added options: "-DEBUG","DELAY" and "CLEANUP". They
- won't do anything, but it will make LoadWB.Scalos more
- compatible.
- ******************************************************************************
- - newiconobject.datatype V39.13 - added transparency flag checking
- ******************************************************************************
- - iconobject.datatype V39.27 - added setable DTA_Name tag
- ******************************************************************************
- - amigaiconobject.datatype V39.15 - fixed missing drawerdata in some icons
- ******************************************************************************
- - Scalos Prefs V39.10 - added new features
- - fixed crash after adding 2 or more plugins
- - Scalos Prefs V39.11 - added new features
- - Scalos Prefs V39.12 - fixed double use of fullbench
- ******************************************************************************
- - Scalos Pattern V39.10 - added HelpBubbles (done by crayor)
- - Scalos Pattern V39.11 - fixed import of WBPattern prefs